The End. Or is it...?
Our loft contains an archive that is floccinaucinihilipilification (I’ve been wanting to use that word ever since I first learned it at 13), but one day may be priceless. Artwork, comics, press cuttings, adverts, print plates, board games, letters and emails from Television and film companies. A personal reply from Richard Branson to a request for a million quid loan to make a film and all sorts of other serendipitous stuff.
My history is all chronologically boxed and labelled for my Kids, Grandkids and beyond, so they can see where their English roots began and their Magyar roots continue. Amongst all that stuff though, a bit of history is captured, cultural things that happened in society and made changes. Adult comics and mobile entertainment. I was at the forefront of both.
To accompany my archive, for several years I have been writing my life story, more as a legacy for my descendants than anything else. I’m not sure about the ending though. Maybe I’ll keep it open for a sequel.
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