Expanding Business
Smut Comic was an overnight hit and propelled us into a world neither of us imagined. Meetings with WH Smith, Menzies, Forbouys and pretty much every other leading newsagent took us all over the country. We became business men, invited to corporate events from presentations to fashion shows, meeting with people in high places and mingling in loftier circles. It was all quite surreal when I look back.
As Smut sales grew, so did our confidence and we decided to expand into publishing other magazines. The Scam, a parody of the red tops, spoofing topical stories of the day. Cartoon Monthly, a throwback to the Funny Half Hour spot cartoon mags from the seventies. Acne - the alternative kids comic, a joint venture with a new business associate, pushed the boundaries of children’s comics. We also designed and developed board games for Shoot football magazine and comedian Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown and sold team coloured face paints to clubs from Lincoln City to Ajax Amsterdam.
Smut United Sunday league footy team was formed, we sponsored a rally team and donated a fair few quid to several charities.
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